Total Health Systems Explains the Unique Facility
Hey, I’m Dr. Aaron I’m a clinical director at Total Health Systems. Today I just really wanted to explain to the patients and the public a little bit about what makes our facility unique. We are a multi-disciplinary practice. And, specifically, when we’re addressing musculoskeletal conditions, what is unique about a multi-disciplinary practice like ours is we can combine specialties. We have our medical doctor on staff, we have physical therapists, and we have chiropractors. So when a patient is coming in, if they have a complaint or low back pain for example, since that’s a real common one- what we can do is look at why that low-back pain is occurring, really address the underlying condition itself and give you a specific diagnosis and then lay out that plan.
The plan should include multiple specialties. We again, we try because of the type of practice we are we’re trying to take drug free approaches. So you’re not going to see our doctors prescribing a lot of medications for you, it’s more about the hands on treatment, it’s getting to the root of the problem, and correcting those problems so it’s not something that cycles back on you and is going to reoccur. The chiropractor care, our chiropractors are really going to focus on the key element of your problem. Anytime there’s back pain, neck pain, hips, shoulders, there’s going to be joint dysfunction. You’re going to have loss of joint mobility and joint range of motion. The chiropractors are really going to be focusing on improving and correcting the joint dysfunction. Then we have our physical therapy staff. The physical therapists are going to be looking at the other side of the coin. What moves a joint?
Of what moves the joint is muscle and we have to look at any time there’s a joint that’s not functioning properly it’s because there’s dysfunctional muscle. Our therapists are going to be focusing on imbalances in the musculature, they’re going to be focusing on dysfunctional trigger points, tight areas in the muscle and they have to address two key areas of the muscle, the tightness in dysfunction and then any areas that are weak. It’s real common to see those muscle imbalances and if the chiropractor only corrects the joint dysfunction and the, muscle imbalances aren’t corrected, more than likely that joint dysfunction is going to come back again. So we have to address both components; the joint and the muscle.
A great example would be, you know, if we just look at the bicep and tricep. Biceps and triceps are opposing muscle groups. Here’s your bicep, it helps me curl my arm. Here’s my tricep, it helps me extend my arm. If all I do all day is use my bicep, keep using that, my arm’s going to, become short and pulled inward. Not only is the, bicep going to be extremely tight, what’s going to happen to the tricep? I’m not going to be able to use it as well. It’s going to be inhibited because of how tight that bicep is. That’s a classic imbalance in the musculature. So, if that bicep is tight, triceps is weak, what else is going to happen? It’s going to start to affect the joints around it- the shoulder, the elbow. These things need to be addressed. You work on mobilizing the elbow, mobilizing the shoulder, working on the tightness in the bicep. Once you can do all those things you start strengthening the tricep. Now we have a complete approach to a problem. Those concepts can be applied to any area in the body whether it is the common things we see in this practice in neck pain, back pain.
All, all these things can be addressed using this, this common approach of working on joint dysfunction, and correcting muscle imbalances. If you’re looking for those drug free unique approaches to address this problem, you can definitely find us online at www.totalhealthsystems.com or give us a call at our office. 586-228-0270.