Grab a partner and do the Relay!


total-health-systems-running-tips-fast-fixes-3Grab a partner and do the Relay!


You want to do something more than the 5k but for whatever reason you don’t want to do the half marathon.  You can do the half marathon relay!  It’s a great option.  It’s like doing a 10k.


If you have never done any of the races at the Let’s Move Festival you are in for a treat.


This is one of my favorite races for many reasons.  This race is close to home.  It’s easy to pick up my packet on Friday night and then go have a carb loading dinner with other runners and friends who are also in the event.


Saturday morning I head downtown get a parking spot not too far from the start and then I am off to see lots of familiar faces and lots of Team THS shirts.


This course is pretty flat, no matter what half you run.  The person running the second leg will have a slight incline real close the finish line.


You will train for this relay like you were training for a 10k.  Training starts Feb 25 with an EZ 2 mile run.


Once you register at email your confirmation to and you will be official on the THS team.  You will receive a tee shirt to wear on race day, training tips, training program and a gift certificate for a massage once you complete your race.


Click here for the half marathon relay training program and see the words below to help you make the  most sense of the training program


Be sure to sign up for our Kick Off Event on Wed March 5th at 6:15 at the Garfield location.  I will be going over training, tips, and you can hear from other people who have done this event.

Training Program Words Defined

EZ -Easy, run these miles at a comfortable, easy, enjoyable pace.


Tempo- faster than your goal pace for the race.


RP- Race Pace, the pace you intend to shoot for on race day to get your goal finishing time.


x400- warm up for half a mile, then run pick up the pace for 1 lap of the track (or about .25 miles) The pace should be consistent and be the fastest you can go and maintain for 1 lap of the track.  (It will take practice to figure it out) Recover by walking or jogging for the same distance and then repeat.  Repeat the hard interval part for as many times as indicated on calendar.  For example if it is says 4×400.  After your warm up you would run hard for 1 lap, recover for 1 lap. That counts as 1, you would do that 4 times.


x800 – aka Yasso intervals.  Warm up for a half mile, then run a half mile (or two laps at a track) hard, out of comfort zone. Try to maintain an even pace during the the work interval.  The more you practice the better you will get.  After the half mile of work, recover for half a mile.  If you feel you need to walk to recover that is ok, as soon as your feel ready start to jog. Complete a full half mile or two lap before beginning the next work interval.

If the calendar calls for  4×800, that means you do 4 work intervals.


x1 mile- run consistent but quicker pace for 1 mile, recover as long as  needed by walking and then repeat.  Works best if done on track.


LSD – long slow distance. This is where you become an endurance athlete by teaching your body to utilize fat as  fuel source.  Run the LSD run, slower than any other run you do, slower than your goal pace for the half marathon.  It will be mentally challenging.  It will save you from injury and will help your body become more efficient at utilizing fat as a fuel source.  As an endurance athlete you want to be using fat as a fuel source not all carbs.


The Sunday EZ run can be done on Monday if you want a recovery day after your long run on Saturday.


If you elect to do your long run on Sunday, you can do the EZ run on Saturday or on Monday. But don’t just skip it.