The Benefits of Custom Orthotics
Your feet take a lot of wear and tear. They carry you through your day, get you from place to place and take on the entire weight of your body. This means that your feet go through a lot of stress and punishment, and generally are one of the least cared for parts of your body. Most people don’t give their feet a second thought, but the reality is that poor foot alignment, stride issues, lack of foot support and degenerative issues can cause more than just sore feet. One of the easiest ways to correct issues with your feet and stride is to be fit for custom orthotic inserts. There are tons of benefits of custom orthotics.
What’s the Big Deal?
Did you know that almost seventy percent of people suffer from some sort of foot issue? And most of that seventy percent either ignore the issue or aren’t really sure what to do about it. Foot issues, besides being a pain for your feet, can cause other health issues as well. Poor stride alignment can cause hip pain. Weak arches can cause pain in the legs as well as the back. Over-pronation, which effects almost three quarters of the population can result in ankle and foot issues as well as back and lower body pain. No one wants to just deal with pain, but many people that have foot issues fail to address them, assuming that their pain is from another source.
Easy to Correct
Many foot issues can be corrected or reduced by the use of custom orthotic shoes or shoe inserts. Many of our Metro Detroit area clients prefer to use orthotic inserts because they can be moved from shoe to shoe, allowing you to wear shoes that you love, and still have happy feet. Orthotics alone may not correct all of your foot issues, so it may be important that you combine custom fit orthotic inserts or shoes with other corrective activities like chiropractic and massage to realign your spine and pelvis. A personal trainer can help you with exercises that will strengthen muscles that have become weak due to stride patterns or over compensation for pain and discomfort.
How Do We Fit Orthotic Inserts?
Total Health Systems uses a computer program called GaitScan. This state of the art hardware and software combination allows us to analyze your foot and any issues with movement and foot alignment, and determine the exact cause and location of your foot issues. Once we know what is causing your foot problems, we can prescribe the right orthotic that will support your foot and help rebalance your body and your stride. Orthotic inserts are intended to work with your body’s natural movement patterns, while at the same time correcting the problems that cause pain and fatigue in your body.
Some Final Thoughts
If you are turned off by the thought of wearing orthotic shoes, don’t worry, orthotic inserts allow you to wear the shoes that you love. The days of clunky looking orthopedic shoes are long gone. And, if you are a runner, orthotic inserts can greatly reduce the stress placed on your knees and hips during runs. This can be especially helpful for long distance runners who want to increase their endurance and decrease mile times.
Orthotic inserts are a practical solution for relieving stress and pain in your body. With modern technology like GaitScan, we can fit you with the perfect insert to get you feeling great in no time. If you are ready to feel great and have happy feet, it’s time to schedule an appointment for an orthotic fitting.
For More Information on the Benefits of Custom Orthotics from Total Health Systems
To schedule an appointment or to learn more about orthotics and the GaitScan process, call one of our five convenient Total Health Systems locations in Macomb County.
- Total Health Systems – Clinton Twp: 586-228-0270
- Total Health Systems – Chesterfield: 586-949-0123
- Total Health Systems – Washington: 586-781-0800
- Total Health Systems – St Clair Shores: 586-772-8560
- Total Health Systems – Center Line: 586-756-7670