Total Health Systems would like to introduce our newest clinic in Center Line, previously Spinal Rehab Associates, which is located at 26672 Van Dyke Road. This location is south of I-696 on the East side of Van Dyke, just south of 11 Mile Road. Our newest location in Center Line offers chiropractic services, physical therapy, as well as massage therapy. Total Health Systems is excited to help you maintain optimal health and wellness and to help you achieve all your health care needs! The professionals at Total Health Systems specialize in many health and wellness modalities to offer our clients a unique combination of everything they need to feel their best. These treatments include primary healthcare services, chiropractic, massage therapy, physical therapy, physician-guided weight loss programs, nutrition, and additional wellness services. Our holistic approach to health is what separates us from other healthcare facilities in Center Line. If you’re interested in treating the whole body with wellness care than we are the place for you.
Center Line Chiropractic has been in existence since 1978. It originally started as Center Line Chiropractic and then became Spinal Rehab Associates. The office is located at 26672 Van Dyke, 2 blocks south of I-696. There is over 30 years of clinical experience at this location. Fully equipped with the latest technology including flexion distraction and digital x-ray. In our physical therapy department, patients receive comprehensive treatment with use of physical modalities, manual therapy and therapeutic exercises, Ultrasound, Hot moist therapy/Cryotherapy (ice packs), electric muscle stimulation, manual therapy, myofascial release, trigger point therapy, craniosacral therapy. While we specialize in treating spine problems, headaches, fibromyalgia and TMJ problems, we also help in other musculo-skeletal problems. We are experts in how to supplement chiropractic care with hands on treatment and exercises. Patients who receive chiropractic care in other places are welcome in our facility for the physical therapy portion of their treatment. We can supplement their care for faster and more comprehensive recovery.
Spinal Rehab Associates, now Total Health Systems of Center Line MI, will also help you with your primary care needs. We can provide traditional medical services along with supportive alternative therapies such as supplements and lifestyle changes. Comprehensive medical services include: Full medical examinations, yearly physicals, sports physicals, DOT (Department of Transportation) physicals, Family medicine, Screenings for vitals, high blood pressure, urinalysis, bone density, Musculoskeletal injections, minor joint injections, laboratory testing, Physical therapy prescriptions, on-site physical therapy services, and monitoring, sick visits, Bioimpedance Analysis, (body composition testing), On-site x-ray/radiological services, Exercise readiness assessments, Metabolic testing (Vo2 max testing), and custom fit orthotics.
Dr. Aaron Lundgaard, DC, CCSP, CSCS has been the Clinic Director at Total Health Systems, P.C. in Clinton Township for the past 15 years. He now brings this state of the art multi-disciplinary treatment approach to Spinal Rehab Associates of Center Line by aligning with one of the most experienced and accomplished chiropractors, Dr. Francis Elwart. Dr. Elwart has experience in family care as well as personal injury. He practices many techniques, all with the goal of treating the entire person and having them return to their optimum health. He has been practicing for over 10 years in both Macomb and Oakland counties and is very excited to be practicing in Center Line.
Lisa and Shawna will continue at Total Health Systems of Center Line and are excited about the transition and ability to provide you with expanded services. You will see familiar faces along with new staff from Total Health Systems. The physicians from Spinal Rehab are extremely pleased and inspired about this change for you, realizing that conservative medical care and physical therapy is important and a needed addition to traditional chiropractic care. If it has been awhile since your last visit, stop in and check out the expanded services now available. We hope that you will enjoy continued chiropractic success and welcome the new services now available to enhance your overall healthcare experience.
This facility is the clinic of choice for thousands of patients in the southeast Michigan area. On April 10, 2017, Spinal Rehab Associates of Center Line will become Total Health Systems. Keeping the practice in the family, they have developed a strong committed patient base that has continued their Chiropractic care with Total Health Systems, because of the Chiropractic values that the Manteuffel family have instilled in them.
If you are looking for a chiropractor in Center Line that combines traditional medical services with holistic therapies and focuses on long-term wellness, contact Total Health Systems. We can treat joint dysfunction and correct nervous system coordination with chiropractic services, and correct muscle imbalance with physical therapy. Once the passive care phase is completed, our program transitions into active care, which includes loosening tight muscles with massage, stretching and joint movement techniques. Corrective exercise rounds out these services to maintain results. We can provide traditional medical services along with supportive alternative therapies such as supplements and lifestyle changes. We get to the core of your health at Total Health Systems in Center Line. Rather than simply treating a symptom like most traditional medical professionals, we are dedicated to treating “you” and helping you achieve lasting wellness and vitality.