The Perfect 10 for Heart Health – Metagenics Mega 10


The perfect 10 for your heart: new science shows combination of omegas supports heart health.

One in three U.S. adults may benefit from support for healthy blood lipids, such as triglycerides, according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Maintaining healthy blood lipids is an important – but often overlooked – aspect for promoting cardiovascular health and overall wellness for vibrant aging.

There are a few key steps one can take to improve and maintain heart health and overall health such as increasing the daily level of physical activity, quitting smoking, managing stress, and making better food choices. While dietary and other lifestyle changes are the cornerstone to improving cardiovascular health, appropriate nutritional support may also be beneficial, such as a quality omega fatty acid supplement.

“When thinking about omega fatty acid support for general heart, brain and eye health, omega-3s naturally come to mind first. However, nutritional science is now recognizing that omega-7s may also offer scientific support for healthy blood lipids,” says Dr. Michael Roizen, the chief wellness officer at the Cleveland Clinic and Chief Medical Consultant for the Dr. Oz Show. “Specially designed levels of purified omega-7 and omega-3 fatty acids have been combined in a new product that provides both targeted and general support for cardiovascular health. Think of it like this: combining omega-7s with omega-3s may be the perfect 10 for heart health.”

Roizen cautioned some omega-7 supplements on the market may also contain higher levels of a potentially unhealthy saturated fatty acid. When looking for a product with “purified” omega-7s – such as those used in clinical studies – it is important to consider and research any supplement containing omega-7s.

“Talk to your doctor about this powerful combination of purified omega-7s and concentrated omega-3s to provide enhanced support for your heart health,” adds Roizen. Mega 10 from Metagenics contains a proprietary combination of purified omega-7s and omega-3s.

Editor’s note: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.