How to Activate Your Seven Energy Centers

A silhouetted woman is sitting cross-legged. Seven colorful orbs run throughout her body, representing her energy centers

The human body is a magnificent system of interconnected parts, and at its core lies an energy system that governs our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. These energy centers, known as chakras, play a critical role in our health and balance.

Eye’s closed with a focus on light. Breathing deeply and reciting affirmations. Hands held over certain points on the body to bring healing through energy. These are methods of balancing the energy centers of the body. This holistic approach to healing is done by becoming one with everything and everyone around you, and you are that warming being that produces it all.

What Are the Seven Energy Centers?

A diagram titled "The Seven Chakras and their meanings." In order, the seven chakras shown are the crown chakra (spirituality), third eye (intuition), throat (communication), heart (love), solar plexus (strength), sacral (sensuality), and root (stability)

There are seven energy centers of the body.

Starting from the bottom up, the seven energy centers are:

1. Root Chakra (Muladhara)

Location: Base of the spine.

Governs: Stability, security, and basic survival needs.

2. Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana)

Governs: Creativity, emotions, and relationships.

Location: Below the navel.

3. Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)

Governs: Confidence, self-esteem, and personal power.

Location: Upper abdomen.

4. Heart Chakra (Anahata)

Governs: Love, compassion, and connection.

Location: Center of the chest.

5. Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)

Governs: Communication and self-expression.

Location: Throat area.

6. Third Eye Chakra (Ajna)

Governs: Intuition, insight, and clarity.

Location: Between the eyebrows.

7. Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)

Governs: Spirituality and connection to higher consciousness.

Location: Top of the head.

Within each of these centers there is a location, color, number of petals to a flower, positive and unbalanced expression, a part of the body the center is associated with, a musical instrument, gemstone, spiritual tradition, affirmation and Sanskrit name.

Activating Your Energy Centers

1. Visualization

Visualize your emotional weaknesses melting away as the flame saturates your heart. See the twelve petals of this flower bloom open and radiate divine love.

    2. The Heart Affirmation

    Recite out loud or under your breath, the heart affirmation: “Violet fire, thou love divine, Blaze within this heart of mine! Thou art mercy forever true, Keep me always in tune with you.”

    3. Meditation

    Now you must meditate on the light of your heart. Visualize the light from a higher force descending into your heart, according to the word of your prayer. Picture the light of the sun illuminating in the center of your chest. See the rays of the sun dissolving the darkness you feel within the world, loved ones, and you. Now, see that light grow into fiery-pink beams that break down all barriers that hold you down.

    4. Recitation

    Within this meditation recite: “I AM the light of the heart. Shining in the darkness of being. And changing all into the golden treasury of the mind of Christ. I AM projecting my love out into the world. To erase all errors and to break down all barriers. I AM the power of infinite love, amplifying itself. Until it is victorious, world without end!” Continue to repeat as many times as you please.

    You are now on your way to using your energy to heal.

    Start Your Wellness Journey with Total Health Systesm

    Balancing your seven energy centers is not just about physical health—it’s about creating a life of balance, joy, and vitality. Incorporate these practices into your daily life and explore how our wellness center’s services can support your journey.

    Ready to get started? Schedule a session with us today and take the first step toward a more balanced and vibrant you!