Clinton Township Chiropractor Changes Patients Life

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I have always been a ball of stress.  Calm on the outside, tense inwardly.  I have TMJ and had been grinding my teeth so badly by the age of 19, that the dentist thought I was bulimic from the erosion , (because he said, I had the grinding pattern of a 40-50 year old.)  My family has a long history of insomnia and I was restless and woke up very sore and still very tired.  Also, I am a nurse and started as a transporter.  My body takes a good amount of abuse at work.  I had a bulged disc in my  lumbar spine at 19 years old and have had trouble since.  I also have carpal tunnel in both wrists.  I was living daily with low back and hip pain that shot down my leg causing pain and tingling.  I also had daily headaches, constantly dosing myself with Motrin.  My neck, shoulders, thoracic spine and both arms and wrists were in constant pain and discomfort.  I had massages often, but it only gave temporary relief and no-one could help the knots in my shoulder and thoracic spine.  I also was seeing a medical doctor for my pain.  That helped my headaches but little else. 

My sister was seeing a chiropractor where she lived so I decided to try it out. Dr. Rose at Total Health Systems in Chesterfield gave me immediate relief.  Although I was sore after the first few adjustments.  Still, I had that muscle tension and trouble sleeping.  Dr. Rose of Total Health Systems kept suggesting physical therapy but I thought, I have no acute injury and don’t need it.  Eventually I gave in and was I ever wrong!  The therapy has made a significant difference in my pain as well as my tension level.  I feel human again.  Also, Dr. Rose suggested Benesom by Metagenics for my sleep.  (I can’t have traditional sleeping pills because of a history of sleepwalking)  I have not slept this well in 15-20 years.  My sleep problems started as a teen.  The overall experience has been life changing, just ask my family.  I have recommended Total Health Systems to all my friends and family.  What has pleased me most about my course of treatment and THS is the knowledge and empathy of the entire staff.  All I can say is thank you! – Jamie Scarnecchia, Macomb, MI

Clinton Township Chiropractor Changes Patients Life

For more information or to schedule a consultation with one of our top notch chiropractors give us a call at 586-228-0270.  You never know the difference that phone call can make!

Clinton Township Chiropractor Changes Patients Life