
This year we have asked employees of Total Health Systems to voluntarily publish their fitness goals for our patients, followers, and the public to view.  Here is our update for February for those employees brave enough to publish their goals on line! WE WOULD LIKE TO SEE YOU PUBLISH AND UPDATE YOUR PROGRESS AS WELL.  Please post an update of how you have been doing in the comment section below.  Keep working hard toward your goals for the year, whatever they may be!  Thank you – Dr. Lundgaard


Laurie Nuyens, ATC NASM:  Fitness Program Director:

One Month Progress report:  In late January I signed up for 6 weeks of a Pilates class.  I enjoyed the class.   It was different from the type of workouts I am used to.  The stretching and core work was phenomenal. I found during many of the exercises I was thinking of various clients and patients and how beneficial this would be for them.  There are some exercises that you just can’t do any other way, you need the Pilates reformer.  

The end of the month presented some challenges for me.  I have been battling the effects of uterine fibroids for while.  At the end of the month I had surgery to end all suffering. 

As I prepared for surgery I was told I could not take any supplements, not even a multi-vitamin.  This surprised me but I learned that some of the vitamins and supplements can thin your blood.  So I stopped taking my vitamins.  

I am thru my surgery and recovering well. Right now I can only walk and can not lift anything over 10 pounds.  Having these goals will help give me some focus and motivation as I get back into my workout routine.  My goals have not changed.  I won’t be going for a new Personal Best in a half marathon in April. But I am still going to go for it in the fall.  I look forward to getting my fitness back.  I think coming back from this surgery will be an interesting journey that ultimately will make me a better trainer.  

I am back to taking my vitamins daily and I will be sure to get adjusted in March, and at least one massage because laying around is rough on this body.   


  • New PR at half marathon distance, under 1:50:30
  •  Complete at least one bike tour of approximately 60  miles
  • Complete 1 sprint triathlon
  • Add more flexibility to my weekly fitness routine by participating in a Yoga class, or  complete flexibility workout with TRX  once a week
  • Try Pilates
  • Get adjusted on a more regular basis
  • Continue with taking my supplements daily
  • Do resistance training 2x week


Piotr Kasprzyk, PT, Director of Physical Therapy Services:

One Month progress report:

Progress is consistent in February.  I’m able to do 12 pull ups.  I’m able to touch floor with palms of my hands after warm up. 

I’m able to sustain 8.20 minute/mile speed on treadmill for 30 minutes after 1 hour endurance swim.  I had a little set back with running due to foot problems. I had to slow down speed on interval training, since after one session I couldn’t run for a week.




  • Be faster than last year in New Baltimore Triathlon (Under 1:12:00)
  • Participate in my first 5K run
  • If I decide to run half marathon to do it under 1:55:00
  • If I decide to do Olympic triathlon to be under 2:40:00
  • To be able to do 20 pull ups
  • To touch ground with palms of my hands standing with straight legs.


Diane Delf, RN, Director of Wellness Services:


One Month progress report:  February has been interesting, and I am enjoying the peace of winter and slower pace. It is a great motivator to have written goals and to hold myself accountable. There is a definite difference using my health/fitness log, for tracking food, activity, relaxation, and especially sleep. I have never been more aware of the importance of rest and recovery for improved health and fitness, and it feels really good. 

I have committed to starting each day with an “attitude of gratitude” and morning shake (with grape seed oil/coconut milk), and most days feeling full and energetic. Using Ultrameal Chocolate, and SP Complete, with whey protein. Along with supplements, hydration, and First Line Therapy food plan, getting good nutrition, and maintaining healthy glycemic balance. 

Daily prayer/meditation keeps me spiritually balanced. Being quiet and still is a challenge for me, but reaps great benefits.  Committed to leading/teaching a weekly Bible Study group and studying the book of Miracles. Also sharing feelings with others in my life, which has deepened my faith/trust, and inspires me to learn more about myself, and my Body-Mind-Spirit connection.

Started biking this month using a trainer and improvement has been steady. Feels good to be back on my bike! Still using a modified Swim stroke, due to injury, but committed to continue to challenge myself. Running has shown good improvement by using modified form and slowing the pace. Lots of fun, but again, learning to listen to my body, stay focused, and keep those new shoes on the ground.  Resistance training now at 75%, slowly added extra weight this month.

Also got adjusted this month, and it feels great, especially the pituitary gland release of hormones (happy warm fuzzy) that stimulate adrenals……great feelings of relaxation/well-being. Goal is to increase adjustments. Got a massage on my birthday – It was  wonderful. Increased communication with loved ones, via text, email, cell phone, and face to face visits – actually in Chicago with family right now! Registered for “Let’s Move Macomb” – hurrah! Not sure if walking or running it, either way, it will be great to get outside and move. Happy March to all – spring is coming!



  • Drink 8-10 glasses water per day
  • Track food intake and exercise daily
  • Take Ultra Meal shake & Supplements daily
  • Three meals and 2-3 healthy snacks daily
  • Pray/Meditate daily
  • 7-8 hours sleep daily
  • Diaphragmatic Breathing 5-6x daily
  • Spend prime time with loved ones daily
  • Bike/Run/walk 1x week
  • Swim 2x week
  • Resistance training 2x week
  • Physical Therapy Exercises 3x week
  • Try Pilates this year
  • Belly Dance class this year
  • Complete one bike tour this year
  • Complete two competitive sport events this year
  • Chiro adjustment regularly
  • Get massage on more regular basis
  • Smile, dance, stretch, play, laugh every day!


Marisa Hubinger, LMT, Staff Massage Therapist:

One Month progress report:

I will try to schedule with Laurie for a body fat update. As it is, my training for Let’s Move is going well. Looking forward to some outdoor group runs at Stony Creek on Sunday mornings.


  • Lose 7% body fat (Goal 23%)
  • Run 3 half marathons
  • Run a half marathon in under 2 hours


Aaron Lundgaard, DC, CSCS, Director of Clinical Services:

One Month Progress Report:

I took one week off training.  It was my first significant break in 6 months. Weight training has been great.  My body fat was measured in February.  It is at 16%.  My goal of 15% is in my sights, but I’m already thinking about going lower.  Even with the drop in body fat, my lean body mass stayed at 197 lbs, so my body weight dropped by 6 lbs…all fat loss.

My 5K has been going down.  I started out running it in 28.5 minutes.  My lowest time has been 26 minutes.   I will be running to get an official time at the Lets Move festival in Mt. Clemens with the Total Health Systems’ Team.  I am also going to participate in two of the four training runs Total Health is putting on. 

Bench press maximum is still at 365lbs, but I am expecting slow progress there.  I attempted 385 this past month, but failed.  My dead lift max went up to 455, and I felt strong doing it! My squat max is at 475lbs for a 3 lift total of 1300.  100lbs from my goal.  I feel my squat is going to surge soon as I have been working on my depth and flexibility. 

Stretching and foam rolling is happening 4-5 times per week (static) and 1-2 times per week for foam rolling.  I have been doing some PT for my shoulders and arms to aide in the lack of flexibility and stiffness after lifting.

I have still been getting adjusted (1 time per week) and massaged (1 time per 2 weeks) at my goal pace.  This has probably been the easiest goal to meet as it has been keeping me feeling good.


  • Get to and Maintain under 15% body fat (Currently 18%)
  • Maintain current lean body mass (currently 196 lbs)
  • Run a 5K in 25 minutes or under
  • Get my 3 lift total to 1400lbs ( 1 rep maximum of bench press, dead lift, and squat added together)
  • Foam roll 3 times per week
  • Static stretching 7 days per week
  • Get adjusted 2-4 times per month
  • Get massage 1-2 times per month
  • Get to 20 pull ups before Piotr…(currently can do 12)


Rose Minkiewicz, DC, Staff Chiropractic Physician:

One Month Progress Report:

I have completed the Standard Process 21 day Purification Program. I feel more energy and have been sleeping better as well. I am continuing my nutritional supplements and exercise as well. I did halt the cardio for the 3 weeks I was on the purification program to help prevent weight loss. But I am back on track and should be able to achieve a huge improvement on my time for the 5k in April.


  • Complete the BIA and both Resting and Exercise Metabolic tests  before the end of January
  • Complete 21 day SP Purification Program beginning Feb. 1st.
  • Run the 5k in the MC Festival of Races on April 28th and improve on my time from last year of 31 minutes.
  • Do flexibility, resistance, and cardio training each 2x/wk.
  • Continue taking my nutritional supplements regularly.
  • Repeat BIA with Diane in July.
  • Gain 6 pounds and maintain it throughout the year.