Total Health Systems Team gets moving at the Let’s Move Festival of Races!

Team Total Health


Second Year - Let's Move Campaign

This was the second year for this event in downtown Mt. Clemens. The event was
inspired by the National “Let’s Move” Campaign. The Let’s Move Festival of Macomb
was organized to promote health and fitness for all ages. At Total Health Systems
(THS) we encourage all of our patients and employees to be physical active.
For the second year in a row THS encouraged our patients to get moving by
participating in the this event. THS provided moisture wicking team shirts to all of our
patients that signed up. Each participants were provided with a training program
specific to the event in which they registered for. THS offered 4 different training runs
for participants to come together and train with others. For 9 weeks the team received
weekly training tips on various topics, such as picking out the right shoes,nutrition, etc.
The team included a number of first timers, (people who had never done an event like
this) so the week of event, Laurie Nuyens ATC, CPT offered a free seminar on the do’s
and don’t of race week and race morning. This helped to settle some of the nerves and
uncertainties some participants felt.
After completing the event each team member received a half hour gift certificate for
one of THS great massages!
Congratulations to all of the THS athletes who completed their first event. There were
30 THS team members that participated in the 5k run or walk, of those 30 at least of 10
people had never done an event like this. We had 7 athletes participate in the the half
marathon. Three of those were THS employees, Stefanie Kassab, Personal Trainer,
Archi Patel, Physical Therapist, and Marisa Hubinger, Massage Therapist. This was
Archi’s and Stefanie’s first half marathon! Congratulations ladies.
THS is proud to have our patients out there moving and they are encouraged to keep
moving, keep setting goals and keep taking care of you. THS is here to help you every
step of the way with chiropractic care, physical therapy,massage therapy, weight loss
and wellness, personal training and nutrition.