Physical Therapy Demonstration from Total Health Systems
Hi. I’m a Director of Physical Therapy Services in the Total Health System. I like to present today one of the big trouble maker between our patients. Okay, the exercise is called prime exercise. What we do is we lay the patient on the side. We bend the legs like this. A little bit more. We keep the feet together. And we ask patient to raise the upper leg, keeping the feet together. Up, like this. And then go down.
The most common mistakes that patients do during this exercises is take or rotate their counts. So let’s present the catcher here and they try to rotate their power saw. So what happens then is the patients activate the rotators of the spine, the core muscles and that’s not supposed to happen in this exercise. They’re only supposed to use them with those meters. So when this is exactly like all this, we shift it a little bit forward, and then we reach them. Bend down, and one more time. Bend down. And if the muscle gets weaker after a few repetitions it will get tired, so that would be the time to stop. That’s good. Thank you.
Physical Therapy Demonstration from Total Health Systems
If you would like more information on physical therapy exercises, please call Total Health Systems at 586-228-0270.