Congratulations THS TEAM!
We so proud to have our patients participate in this event! I hope everyone had fun and is proud of your accomplishment! For many of you this was your very first event! I hope this is the first of many others to come. We are thrilled that our THS team more than doubled in size from last year and we had more of you come out to our Saturday training runs. We hope to have even more participants next year. We had a small group for the half marathon and I apologize we did not get all of you for the half marathon pic. I was able to get get a few of you running. If I got your picture I emailed it to you. Can’t wait to do it again? If you are interested in receiving email about other events in our area please let me know. I will email you about local events as I become aware of them.
Saturday June 30th Run the Plank, 5k. Begins are Immanuel Lutheran
and ends at St. Peters.
Gift Certificates for your massage will be ready for pick up by
Tuesday. Pick up your certificate at the same location you picked up
your tee-shirt. Inside the envelope is a waiver that we can use your
picture on our website. Please sign it and give to the Front Desk Staff.
We would like to get your pics up asap so if its ok to use your picture
please email me and let me know.
Other upcoming events at Total Health Systems:
Wed. May 16, 6:30 pm Chesterfield
Get Healthy! What drug companies don’t want you to know.
Tuesday May 22 7:15 pm, Garfield
Fitness Myths, Busted