Macomb County Chiropractor Discusses Lower Back Pain


Everyone has different, postures, sleeping patterns, and positions that feel comfortable when they are watching T.V. or relaxing. Often our Macomb County Chiropractors  use this information when treating low back pain (LBP).

When treating back pain, typically there is a position where people feel less pain. This might be sitting down, lying on their stomach or lying down on their back with their knees bent. When we check these positions we can determine the persons preferred movement in the spine. We then take this information to create a specific exercise routine to help reduce back pain and increase strength and flexibility.

Most patients tend to feel better when their spine is in flexion(bent). In other words, a position where the spine is taken out of neutral position and placed in a forward movement. For instance, this might be sitting or lying face up with both knees bent. These positions may be more comfortable because the tension is taken off the pelvis creating a more favorable point where lumbar muscles can be relaxed. Flexion exercises may not be for everybody. For example, people with acute disc herniation should avoid these types of exercises .

The other position is extension. With extension, patients may feel better standing or lying face down. This position, bends the spine backwards. Extension might not be appropriate for everyone. People with spondylolysis and spondylolisthesis, fractures or tumors should not do extension exercises.

Spondylolysis– a defect of vertebra.

Spondylolisthesis– a descriptive term referred to slippage of a vertebra

Dr. Paul Williams created flexion exercises in the 1930s. He developed these exercises in order to reduce back pain and provide lower trunk stability. This is done by developing the abdominal muscles, gluteus maximus, and hamstring muscles. The flexion exercises also stretch the hip flexors and back muscles. Flexion exercises are pretty easy to do and can help relieve tight muscles

Robin McKenzie developed extension exercises in the 1950s. These exercises help centralize the back pain a patient is experiencing. If a patient has pain in more than one area, such as the lower back, right thigh, right buttock, and right calf, extension exercises can centralize pain so that eventually the pain would only be felt in the lower back.

Both flexion and extension exercises can be used when treating back pain. With the knowledge of how these techniques apply to our patients, we can help with the healing process and make lives easier.

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Macomb County Chiropractor Discusses Back Pain

At Total Health Systems we are “a multi-disciplinary practice that provides both traditional medical and holistic therapies with a two-pronged ‘corrective’ and ‘wellness’ approach.”

For more information on treating back pain or to schedule a chiropractic visit in Macomb County, please contact our office at 586-228-0270.