Total Health Systems's Bio
January 5, 2015 (updated June 17, 2024)
Metagenics: 10% Off Clear Change Detoxification Kits Standard Process: 10% Off Purification Detoxification Program
December 9, 2014 (updated February 20, 2019)
#1 Keep the focus on fun, not on food • Holidays are associated with food, but that doesn’t mean food...
December 1, 2014 (updated February 20, 2019)
Metagenics: 10% Off UltraInflamx, UltraInflamx 360, Kaprex Standard Process: 10% Off Ligaplex I & II, Nervagesic
November 26, 2014 (updated December 18, 2018)
How will you spend your holiday season this year? To stay healthy and feeling good throughout the holiday season takes...
November 18, 2014 (updated February 20, 2019)
We will offer FREE demo sessions at Washington. Come ready to workout! Tues. Dec. 2, 7:15pm Wed. Dec. 3, 9:30am...
November 17, 2014 (updated December 18, 2018)
To celebrate the opening of the new gym space at our Washington location, as well as our 1 year anniversary...
November 11, 2014 (updated December 18, 2018)
Sports such as volleyball, baseball, tennis, swimming and basketball are considered overhead sports. Sometimes those who participate in these sports...
October 31, 2014 (updated February 20, 2019)
10% off chronic Disease Managment, Metagenics Products: 10% off all Ultrameal products, regular, whey, rice, Ultrameal 360, regular, stevia, rice,...
October 28, 2014 (updated December 18, 2018)
From Halloween thru the New Year’s we see people fall of their fitness routine. A time of year when we...