Common Running Challenges…When to Push Through and When to Stop


You’ve survived the bulk of your training with no major issues.  Then one day you feel an unfamiliar stiffness in your hip or knee.  Suddenly, you’re questioning your race plans. Can you still go for a personal record? Can you still race?

Don’t Panic! As you get closer to your race and and your weekly mileage increases, that opens up a new door of possible problems, especially if you’ve been pushing yourself harder than you’re used to. Pay attention because some aches and pains shouldn’t be dismissed.

General Aches, Pains

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It’s typical to feel generally achy, sore, and tired, especially at the peak of training. These symptoms will likely resolve themselves when you run less and recover more during your taper.  If you are doing the 5k, you don’t have much of a taper, but if you need to decrease your mileage or intensity to let some general aches and pain resolve that is ok.  As long as you have kept up with your training plan you will be fine for race day.  Keeping up with regular chiropractic adjustments can help keep this general aches and pains at bay.

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If you can pinpoint pain to one specific body part, it’s usually a sign of injury and you better come in to see us.  Before the injury gets too out of hand come in as see one our physical therapists.  If we treat this injury early you might not need to miss any training or change your race plans.  Many times early treatment with ultrasound or electric stimulation can reduce the inflammation quickly.  Those treatments in addition to some hands on work and corrective exercises can get you back in your running shoes.

Stiffness, soreness

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If this fades during a run once you warm up, it’s probably delayed-onset muscle soreness from your last hard workout. Or you may have sat at your desk for too long.

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If this is ongoing or worsens as your run, or is worse after your run.  Just because it does not bother while you run, if there is increase pain or swelling after a run you may have an injury.  Be very diligent about your stretching routine.    We have many stretching videos on our web site.   Come into visit us.